Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"Welcoming New year sa a New Creation"

          The year 2010 has been officially ended, thus 2011 has arrived. we usually welcome new year by means of our traditional ways such as preparing a meal commonly known to us Filipinos as "media noche". And we also welcome it by lighting fireworks, in which we believe that by doing this, we can drive bad luck away from us, from our family, and most especially inside our house. And also, so that good luck will come. We are also used to having a promise to ourselves to do things we haven't done and change things that needs to be change such as bad attitudes, and this is called new year's resolution. Each of us, probably have a new year's resolution this 2011. what about you? Do you have any new year's resolution? because it will be, best if we start the year right to end it right as well.
          That's why this 2011, i will do my best to change my not-so-appreciated attitudes such as being snob, hard headed, hot tempered and most especially being lazy sometimes. Because I want to have more friends this year and be a so called obedient child to my parents to minimize their burden a little. And I will also do my best to excel more in my academics to make them feel more proud of me. I will also dedicate my GOD given ability and talent to serve Him and be a more matured born again Christian, for me to be able to disciple non-believers and bring them again to Christ.